E Komo Mai
The Hawaiian Kingdom is actively preparing for transitional and independent governance as the international community nears affirming the islands’ sovereignty.

The Movement

The Cause
"The cause of Hawaiian independence is larger and dearer than the life of any man connected to it."
Queen of Hawaii, 1898

Our Story
From Kamehameha the Great unifying the islands in 1810 to the overthrow of Queen Lili‘uokalani in 1893, the Kingdom of Hawai‘i was a vibrant, sovereign home for the Hawaiian people.
But following the unilateral annexation of the islands by American interests and a flawed U.S. statehood process, Hawai‘i continues to find istelf under occupation by external forces.
The movement towards reclaiming independence has grown among Hawaiian Nationals since the 1970s and international recognition for the cause is emerging as the true story is told.

Our Future
We invite all to join us in the quest to reclaim the independence of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i, whether you are a Hawaiian National, kamaʻāina, visitor or friend from across the seas.
Get Involved
INFORM your circles about Hawaiian independence
INVITE Hawaiian voices to participate at all levels
REVIEW the UN "Statehood" Resolution #1469
RENEW the economic autonomy of Native Hawaiians